Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center Archive

Head Start Program Facts: Fiscal Year 2010

  FY 2009 Actual FY 2010 Appropriation
Local Head Start Projects    
Projects in States and Territories $6,361,913,089 $6,447,162,660
American Indian-Alaska Native, and Migrant and Seasonal Programs $510,028,911 $519,268,340
Subtotal $6,871,942,000 $6,996,431,000
Support Activities    
Training and Technical Assistance $176,352,000 $176,352,000
Research, Demonstration and Evaluation $19,989,000 $20,000,000
Monitoring/Program Review $42,000,000 $42,000,000
Subtotal $238,341,000 $238,352,000
Head Start, Recovery Act1 [$1,000,000,000]  
Early Head Start, Recovery Act [$1,100,000,000]  
TOTAL $7,110,283,000 $7,234,783,000

1The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act appropriated $2.1 billion for the Head Start and Early Head Start programs in FY 2009 to expand enrollment by 64,000 children and families. These funds are available for two years.

Fiscal Year 2010
Office of Head Start
1250 Maryland Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20024

Logo - Head Start blocks

February 2010
Head Start Facts

The Head Start program is administered by the Office of Head Start (OHS), Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Grants are awarded by the ACF Regional Offices and the Office of Head Start's American Indian-Alaska Native, and Migrant and Seasonal Program Branches directly to local public agencies, private non-profit and for-profit organizations, Indian Tribes and school systems for the purpose of operating Head Start programs at the community level.

FY 2009 Program Statistics

Number of 5 year olds and older 3%
Number of 4 year olds 51%
Number of 3 year olds 36%
Number under 3 years of age 10%
Racial Composition  
American Indian/Alaska Native 4.0%
Black/African American 30.0%
White 39.9%
Asian 1.7%
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0.6%
Bi-Racial/Multi-Racial 7.8%
Unspecified/Other 16.7%
Ethnic Composition  
Hispanic/Latino 35.9%
Number of Classrooms 49,200
PAID STAFF 212,000
VOLUNTEERS 1,274,000

* Each enrollee is reported in both an ethnicity and a race category, which correlates to what the U.S. Census Bureau measures. For example, a family that identifies their child as Black and Cuban will be counted in the "Hispanic or Latino" ethnicity category and also counted in the "Black or African American" race category.

During the 2008–2009 Head Start Program Year:

  • 11.5 percent of the Head Start enrollment consisted of children with disabilities, (mental retardation, health impairments, visual handicaps, hearing impairments, emotional disturbance, speech and language impairments, orthopedic handicaps and learning disabilities).
  • 44,109 children participated in home-based Head Start program services.
  • 77 percent of Head Start teachers have at least an AA degree in Early Childhood Education.
  • 26 percent of Head Start program staff members were parents of current or former Head Start children. More than 850,000 parents volunteered in their local Head Start program.
  • 94 percent of Head Start children had health insurance. 82 percent of those with health insurance were enrolled in the Medicaid/Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) program or a state sponsored child health insurance program.
  • The 1994 reauthorization of the Head Start Act established the Early Head Start program for low-income families with infants and toddlers. In Fiscal Year 2009, $709 million was used to support more than 650 programs which provided Early Head Start child development and family support services in all 50 states and in the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. These programs served more than 66,000 children under the age of three.
  • More than 228,000 Head Start fathers participated in organized regularly scheduled activities designed to involve them in Head Start and Early Head Start programs.

FY 2009 Head Start Program State Allocations and Enrollment

ALABAMA $110,249,206 16,218
ALASKA* 12,896,034 1,583
ARIZONA 107,014,507 12,946
ARKANSAS 66,717,253 10,521
CALIFORNIA 859,903,697 97,894
COLORADO 70,658,907 9,820
CONNECTICUT* 53,660,157 6,798
DELAWARE* 13,685,159 2,059
District of Columbia 25,959,996 3,403
FLORIDA 272,067,200 35,390
GEORGIA 174,228,123 23,359
HAWAII 23,662,982 3,049
IDAHO* 23,588,259 2,818
ILLINOIS 279,954,144 39,435
INDIANA 99,465,458 14,145
IOWA 53,299,350 7,677
KANSAS 52,655,405 8,178
KENTUCKY 111,506,347 15,961
LOUISIANA 150,854,764 21,327
MAINE* 28,548,027 3,748
MARYLAND 80,682,993 10,328
MASSACHUSETTS* 112,027,847 12,704
MICHIGAN 242,511,360 34,152
MINNESOTA* 74,447,456 10,142
MISSISSIPPI 167,178,073 26,520
MISSOURI 123,030,722 17,441
MONTANA 21,660,206 2,902
NEBRASKA 37,282,488 5,059
NEVADA 25,104,010 2,754
NEW HAMPSHIRE 13,840,339 1,632
NEW JERSEY 133,392,411 14,848
NEW MEXICO 54,074,855 7,249
NEW YORK 447,896,246 48,013
NORTH CAROLINA 146,070,201 18,903
NORTH DAKOTA 17,757,780 2,348
OHIO 255,276,707 37,072
OKLAHOMA 83,800,755 13,474
OREGON* 61,487,791 11,086
PENNSYLVANIA* 235,917,078 35,253
RHODE ISLAND* 22,762,399 2,860
SOUTH CAROLINA 85,302,467 12,195
SOUTH DAKOTA 19,464,308 2,827
TENNESSEE 123,390,836 16,339
TEXAS 494,959,267 67,591
UTAH 39,046,126 5,400
VERMONT 14,019,568 1,506
VIRGINIA 102,461,544 13,518
WASHINGTON* 103,768,790 11,278
WEST VIRGINIA 52,362,072 7,610
WISCONSIN* 93,962,521 13,470
WYOMING 12,791,225 1,788
INDIAN TRIBES 203,804,971 22,943
MIGRANT PROGRAMS 306,223,940 35,996
AMERICAN SAMOA 2,223,157 1,532
GUAM 2,237,051 440
NO. MARIANAS 1,720,720 420
PALAU 1,378,720 509
PUERTO RICO 257,779,644 36,780
VIRGIN ISLANDS 8,268,382 942

* Some programs in these states meet some or all of the required non-federal share requirement for 20 percent of the total cost of the program to come from non-federal sources through State funds to support children. This does not represent all State funds that may be used for Head Start but those funds used to meet the federally required match.


1965 (summer only) 561,000 $ 96,400,000
1966 733,000 198,900,000
1967 681,400 349,200,000
1968 693,900 316,200,000
1969 663,600 333,900,000
1970 477,400 325,700,000
1971 397,500 360,000,000
1972 379,000 376,300,000
1973 379,000 400,700,000
1974 352,800 403,900,000
1975 349,000 403,900,000
1976 349,000 441,000,000
1977 333,000 475,000,000
1978 391,400 625,000,000
1979 387,500 680,000,000
1980 376,300 735,000,000
1981 387,300 818,700,000
1982 395,800 911,700,000
1983 414,950 912,000,000
1984 442,140 995,750,000
1985 452,080 1,075,059,000
1986 451,732 1,040,315,000
1987 446,523 1,130,542,000
1988 448,464 1,206,324,000
1989 450,970 1,235,000,000
1990 540,930 1,552,000,000
1991 583,471 1,951,800,000
1992 621,078 2,201,800,000
1993 713,903 2,776,286,000
1994 740,493 3,325,728,000
1995 750,696 3,534,128,000
1996 752,077 3,569,329,000
1997 793,809 3,980,546,000
1998 822,316 4,347,433,000
1999 826,016 4,658,151,000
2000 857,664 5,267,000,000
2001 905,235 6,199,123,000
2002 912,345 6,536,570,000
2003 909,608 6,667,533,000
2004 905,851 6,774,848,000
2005 906,993 6,843,114,000
2006 909,201 6,872,062,000
2007 908,412 6,888,571,000
2008 906,992 6,877,975,000
2009 904,153 7,112,786,000