Children with Disabilities

Follow-up Checklist: When a Child is Identified with a Permanent Hearing Loss

The National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management at Utah State University (NCHAM), Early Childhood Hearing Outreach (ECHO) Project focuses on promoting successful hearing screening and follow up for children ages birth to 3 in a variety of settings such as Head Start programs and facilities. The following checklist may help program staff, teachers, and parents support an infant or toddler who has been identified with permanent hearing loss.

Follow-up Checklist: When a Child is Identified with a Permanent Hearing Loss

Medical Follow Up in the Medical Home:

  • Is the child’s primary care provider (medical home) fully informed about all diagnoses and follow up and intervention activities? 
  • Has the child received appropriate medical specialty evaluations (ophthalmological evaluation to assess vision) to help determine the cause of the loss and the type of treatment needed?

Audiological Follow Up:

  • Is the child being followed by a pediatric audiologist on a regular basis?
    (e.g., in the process of being fit for amplification, refinement of amplification, monitoring of hearing sensitivity for possible progression of loss, evaluation of acceptance and use of hearing aids, etc.) 
  • [Has] the child’s siblings been screened for hearing loss as well?

Early Intervention:

  • Has the child been referred to the State Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) program and the local early intervention program? 
  • Have staff at your program received education or consultation from an audiologist and/or professional in deaf education regarding the support and inclusion of a child with hearing loss (how to check hearing aids, batteries, classroom modifications)?

Family Support and Other Resources:

  • Has the family received support from professionals and other families in making educational and early intervention decisions?

More on NCHAM’s Early Childhood Hearing Outreach (ECHO) Project