Oral Health

Oral Health Policies, Procedures, and Standards

Young girl standing up several toothbrushes on a white plastic stand.The following materials provide information for Head Start staff and others on oral diseases and injury prevention. Topics include feeding and eating practices, oral hygiene, safety practices, and emergency first aid.

Classroom Circle Brushing: Quick Reference Guide

Head Start teachers can explore this quick reference guide from Indian Health Services (IHS) to find information on oral health for American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) populations. The guide describes seven simple steps for teaching children how to brush their teeth. It also provides guidance on oral health for AIAN infants and children from birth to age 5.

Embracing Our Future: Health Services and Head Start

Discover how Head Start programs are making a difference in the lives of four children and their families in this short video. The video includes vignettes about primary care health services the children and their families received while enrolled in Head Start. One vignette, "Matthew's Story," focuses on oral health. A companion video guide reinforces key messages from the video and provides a basic description of health services in the Head Start Program Performance Standards (the Performance Standards).

Head Start Program Performance Standards Related to Oral Health

Explore where oral health appears in the Performance Standards, from health status and practice to nutrition, family support, safety, and community partnerships.

Improving Oral Health for Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Children and Their Families

Migrant and Seasonal Head Start (MSHS) grantees and federally-qualified health centers can use this guide to create partnerships that increase access to oral health services for children in MSHS and their families. Review steps and considerations for effective partnering. Topics include the importance of oral health, comprehensive oral health care, financing, and collaborative planning.

Medicaid Portability in the Context of Oral Health Care for Head Start-Enrolled Children in Migrant Farmworker Families

This report explores opportunities and challenges in addressing Medicaid eligibility and enrollment for children of migrant and seasonal farmworkers. It examines portability, the ability of Medicaid to follow children from one state to another. The analysis presents an overview of Medicaid eligibility and enrollment. It also offers approaches to increasing enrollment and portability for children in MSHS programs, using Head Start programs as a mechanism for identifying and enrolling children in Medicaid.

Oral Health in Child Care and Early Education

Review a special collection of applicable oral health standards from Caring for Our Children: National Health and Safety Performance Standards; Guidelines for Early Care and Education Programs (CFOC).

Steps for Toothbrushing at the Table: Growing Healthy Smiles in Early Care and Education Programs

Toothbrushing at the classroom table is a quicker, more structured way to have children brush than individually at the sink. It also promotes oral health and teaches children a lifelong habit. In this video, learn how to prepare, model, clean up, and store supplies.

IHS Head Start: Start Healthy. Grow Healthy

Find out how Head Start staff can help improve the oral health of AIAN infants, children, and pregnant people. The booklets provide information to help programs meet oral health-related Performance Standards and apply best practices for prevention and early intervention. They also include sample forms for assessment, treatment, and topical fluoride application; posters on first aid for dental emergencies and oral health promotion; and a reference guide on classroom toothbrushing.