Organizational Leadership

Overdue Reports

Overdue reports within the time allowed may result in suspension or termination of an active grant, withholding a non-competing continuation award, or other enforcement actions, including withholding of payments or converting to the reimbursement method of payment. Grantees will find this information useful to avoid penalties associated with overdue reports.

The following is an excerpt from the HHS Grants Policy Statement.

Failure to submit required reports within the time allowed may result in suspension or termination of an active grant, withholding a non-competing continuation award, or other enforcement actions, including withholding of payments or converting to the reimbursement method of payment. Continued failure to submit required reports may result in the imposition of special award provisions or cause other eligible projects or activities involving that recipient or the individual responsible for the delinquency to not be funded.

If at any time the recipient provides an acceptable explanation regarding the late submission of a report, the OPDIV may waive the reporting requirement or set a new due date. However, once a report becomes overdue, such action will be taken by the OPDIV only if the reasons for the recipient's inability to submit the report on time are legitimately beyond its control or if the purposes for which the report is to be used can be accomplished through other means. Failure to meet a new date may result in the OPDIV taking action as described above.

Submission of a required report does not necessarily fulfill the recipient's obligation. Such reports must also meet the content requirements in regulations or other grant terms. Where reports need to be revised in order to be accepted, the recipient must provide a revised report by the due date indicated or immediate fund cutoff or other enforcement actions may be taken with regard to the delinquency.