Physical Health

I Am Moving, I Am Learning (IMIL)

I Am Moving, I Am Learning (IMIL) is a Head Start physical activity and nutrition initiative for preschool children. It is designed to enhance what programs already do to support children and families. IMIL seeks to increase the quantity of time children spend in physical activity during daily routines and improve the quality of their physical movement experiences. IMIL also teaches children about healthy nutrition choices.

Physical activity is beneficial to any age group and helps people feel better, function better, and sleep better. Enhancing opportunities for physical activity in early childhood can foster children’s physical and emotional development, increase their protective factors against chronic disease, and build a foundation for lifelong health and well-being.

IMIL supports school readiness skills with strategies and activities for:

  • Designing active learning environments
  • Developing movement skills and concepts
  • Planning for repetition and variation of practice of motor skills
  • Facilitating self-regulation, body management, and executive function skills
  • Supporting early learning across all components of curriculum

IMIL provides a framework for action that Head Start programs can follow as they design innovative policies, practices, and environments that support physical activity and healthy nutrition. This initiative can elevate programs’ standards of excellence, to improve the health and well-being of all staff and the children and families they serve.