Professional Development

Bachelor's Degree Programs Database

Find information about bachelor's degree programs across each Head Start region. These programs are for individuals who have a high school diploma and are seeking a four-year degree or individuals who want to build on their associate degree.


The programs listed in this database are from accredited colleges and universities and have been prescreened for relevance. These data do not represent an exhaustive list of programs. Databases include universally available credentials and do not incorporate credentials developed by specific groups or tribal organizations. Users should not construe the programs included in these databases as an endorsement by the Office of Head Start. Users seeking professional development and educational opportunities are encouraged to research programs based on their own goals, interests, and needs before making a final decision.

Printing or Downloading Database Programs

Review the list to find credential programs and use the drop-down box to filter by region as needed. Search by program and location to explore the list of credentialing programs. Scroll to the right to access the link to the program's website to learn more.

Select the three dots to the right of "View Only" at the top of the database. Select "Export" and "Export to Microsoft Excel" to download an editable version of the database.