How is it scored?

In every section, rate the response to each question on a scale of 1–5, lowest to highest. When answering, use your best judgment of your program’s current practice. Some questions should be answered based on the frequency of implementation. How often or consistently is the practice implemented? In other sections, indicate the quality of implementation. How well you think the system or service is put into practice?

The minus (-) and plus (+) symbols are used to distinguish the lowest and highest values of the rating scale, respectively. Use "N/A" if you don't feel the practice is relevant to your current situation or circumstance. The section total and the total scores in the Scoring Summary exclude the "N/A" responses.

When you use the DLLPA online, your ratings will be automatically recorded and tallied at the bottom of each section. The average score for each section will also be computed. Once you have completed the DLLPA, you will receive a total summary score.

When using a printed version, you must tally the ratings of each section manually. A score sheet is provided for the total score and the average score of each section. You can also calculate the summary score for the entire DLLPA.

There is no scorecard that compares your program’s ratings to those of other programs. There are no norms for program comparisons. In fact, the data from the DLLPA is used only by your program. Your program can decide what a rating means. Is a rating of 3 "adequate" or a 4 "very good?" It's up to you!

Take the DLL Program Assessment