Data & Ongoing Monitoring

Tracking Progress Database: Standardized Measures to Assess Family Engagement Efforts and Effects

Explore this database to find standardized measures related to family engagement, family well-being, and family progress toward outcomes. Leaders can select measures based on areas of inquiry in your program to assess family needs or program progress in family engagement efforts.

Information collected with these measures can be used to:

  • Inform program planning
  • Evaluate program activities and progress
  • Examine the relationships between parents and staff
  • Understand the strengths, interests, and needs of individual families or the families that your program serves as a group
  • Understand and improve family well-being and other outcomes
  • Support continuous learning and quality improvement in accordance with Head Start Program Performance Standard (HSPPS) 45 CFR §1302.102

This resource is divided into three primary components:

  • At-a-Glance Database: The database provides an overview of each measure with basic background information, including how the measure aligns with the Head Start Parent, Family, and Community Engagement (PFCE) Framework. The measures are organized by area of focus and may align with Program Elements, Family Outcomes, or both.
  • Detailed profiles: A detailed profile for each measure has additional information to assist programs in selecting measures that are the best fit for their goals. A link to each profile is provided in the last column of the database.
  • Glossary of Terms: The glossary defines terms common to research and assessment, such as those related to reliability and validity of measures.


This database has been compiled to assist programs in reviewing and assessing standardized measures of family engagement efforts and effects. The measurement tools listed in this database have been pre-screened for relevance but are not endorsed by the Office of Head Start. The information contained in the database is not an exhaustive list.

Scroll to the right to access the full citation for the measurement tool, as well as links to the tool online. To print or download the lists, right-click on the three dots to the right of "View Only" at the top of the database. Select "Export" and "Export to Microsoft Excel" to download an editable version of the database.

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