Support Groups and Activities for Fathers

Support groups and activities for fathers in Head Start and Early Head Start programs come in many shapes and sizes. These kinds of gatherings offer men an opportunity to get together to talk, share, and build different parenting skills. Fathers from very different backgrounds often find that they have much in common when they talk about their children. They connect with each other as they consider their roles as men and fathers in today's world.

Parents who have supportive relationships are more likely to provide sensitive caregiving. Social support buffers stress by enhancing parents' emotional and psychological coping skills and helps them feel more competent as parents.1 By helping to strengthen the family and encourage positive parenting behavior, social support networks for parents are linked to healthy development and school readiness for children.

How can we help fathers connect with each other in meaningful ways?


1 Lee, Y. (2009). Early motherhood and harsh parenting: The role of human, social, and cultural capital. Child Abuse Neglect, 33(9), 625–637.