Health Manager Orientation Guide

Medication Administration Procedures

Development of effective medication administration procedures should be inclusive of all applicable regulations, stakeholder expertise, and planning for all situations where medications may be needed. These procedures should include both prescription and over-the-counter medications.

Tips and Strategies for Medication Administration Procedures

  • Incorporate best practices where needed to supplement regulations.
  • Engage the expertise of all stakeholders, including program staff, consultants, community health professionals, and the family.
  • Plan for special situations, such as:
    • Substitute staff
    • New staff or staffing changes
    • Transportation to and from the program
    • Field trips
    • Changes in program schedules
    • Children dropped off or picked up early or late
    • Medications as part of the program’s emergency preparedness, response, and recovery procedures
  • Create a medication procedures checklist that makes sure all medication administration procedures are completed for every medication needed in the program.