Health Manager Orientation Guide

Medication Administration Training

A comprehensive, intentional approach to medication training and ongoing support builds staff’s self-efficacy and promotes safety practices for children with special health care needs, medication needs, or other accommodations needed by the children in their care.

Tips and Strategies for Training Staff

  • Using the program’s medication administration procedures, give all staff general, standardized medication administration training at least yearly.
  • Give extra training and support to the staff who will be responsible for specific medications for children in their care.
  • Offer ongoing training and support related to each child’s IHP.
  • Make sure medication administration training follows all state, tribal, and territorial regulations.
  • Build in opportunities for staff who administer medications to demonstrate skills and receive regular review and reassessment.
  • Document all training for medication administration.
  • Arrange for medication administration training to be given or supported by a trained professional (e.g., program staff, consultants, other health professionals and specialists, community partners, other established medication training resources).
  • Make use of the Health Services Advisory Committee for resources and support for medication training.
  • Include the family in staff training whenever possible. This will build skills and confidence for both the staff and family.

Resources for Staff Professional Development