Staffing the Home-Based Option

Home visitor and mother placing infants on floor.Home visitors work closely with families who are undergoing enormous changes. Parents want to do what they can to support the well-being of their child. The work of the home visitor is significant because of the profound importance of pregnancy, the newborn period, and the first five years of life for the child’s lifelong development, as well as each family member’s ability to promote that development and the quality of the parent–child relationship. The work of home visitors occurs in the context of interpersonal relationships. Building these relationships with families takes time, effort, and commitment.

As a home-based supervisor, you want to hire the most capable, qualified home visitors you can find to do this important work! Home-based supervisors use the qualifications, knowledge, and skills in the Head Start Program Performance Standards (HSPPS) and the Improving Head Start for School Readiness Act of 2007 (Head Start Act) to support planning and implementing recruitment and retention strategies and procedures.