Program Management and Continuous Quality Improvement

People having a discussion.The functions of a home-based supervisor are many and varied! In addition to hiring home visitors and supporting them through observations, reflective supervision, professional development, and other means, you are involved in many facets of program management. For example, you:

  • Attend to systems that support child and family development services
  • Ensure that systems around child and family eligibility, recruitment, selection, enrollment, and attendance (ERSEA) provide effective access to your program
  • Make strategic home visitor assignments
  • Participate in programmatic and budgetary planning
  • Ensure that your program’s school readiness goals and family outcome goals reflect the children and families and help make connections between service delivery and outcomes
  • Make sure services are being delivered appropriately to families by monitoring documentation and by engaging in the continuous improvement process

In addition, you advocate for the home-based program in many ways, for example, by seeking more financial resources to support home visitors, enhance their work environment, and strengthen group socializations. You support a program-wide perspective and culture, in which the home-based program is seen as a beneficial piece of overall services to the community. You also champion the home-based program by ensuring an equitable share of programmatic resources and full representation on the Policy Council and other governing bodies.