Equity Drivers to Strengthen Parent, Family, and Community Engagement

Recognize Families as Partners and Honor Their Contributions

A white circle on a orange and black background you are here icon to denote driver 5.Families and communities need to be at the center of decisions that affect their lives. When we see families as partners in our work and not just as recipients of services, we honor their knowledge and strengths. We incorporate racial equity into PFCE by being culturally responsive to families’ interests and needs and by making space for parents and caregivers as partners and decision-makers. This is especially important for families from racial groups that have been historically underrepresented.

Below are considerations about how to honor the contributions of families and communities:

  • We work together with families to understand their identified interests and needs. We bring our knowledge of the community to address those interests and needs.
  • When we seek to understand and act in response to the voices of families, we are better able to provide services and resources that are culturally responsive and that reflect a community’s values.
  • Families are our partners in decision making, from enrollment to goal setting to ongoing service provision.


Download the worksheet to complete three activities:

  1. Reflecting on Effective Partnerships
  2. Identifying Barriers to Family Engagement and Partnerships
  3. Recognizing Families as Partners and Honoring Their Contributions

Each activity builds on the one before it, so make sure to do them in order:

  • If you only have 15 minutes, complete Activity 1.
  • If you have 30 minutes, complete Activity 1 and Activity 2.
  • If you have an hour, complete all three activities.

You may choose to spend more or less time on each activity depending on your needs or the needs of your group.