Head Start A to Z, 2.0


Two women meeting at a home table.Effective communication is key to all aspects of the Head Start program. A center director can use ongoing monitoring processes to measure program performance but must also use effective communication skills to explain areas of concern to staff and generate reports for the board of directors. Leaders and governing entities can spend a lot of time on program planning, but a plan is useless unless it is effectively relayed to the people carrying it out.

The Head Start Program Performance Standards (HSPPS) specify that “grantee and delegate agencies must establish and implement systems to ensure timely and accurate information is provided to parents, policy groups, staff, and the general community.” Regulations also address the ways each stakeholder group must be kept informed, and they describe procedures and policies for meeting these requirements. Effective communication helps build the relationships and systems necessary for high-quality programming and continuous improvement in Head Start programs.

To get started, open the session description and script below. It provides an overview of the entire session, a chart to customize training, detailed presenter notes, and suggestions for using the handouts and activities.

Session Description

PowerPoint Presentation

Activities and Handouts