Accessing Google Analytics

National Centers can access web analytics for all pages and associated content from the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) Google Analytics 4 (GA4) account. This account reflects the corresponding data via the ECLKC Drupal–GA4 property. Check out Head Start Analytics Dashboards to learn about accessing and reviewing website traffic data.

Google Analytics does not capture data retroactively, so the current GA4 property can only report data that covers the current Drupal website from 2021 onward.

Accessing the ECLKC Drupal–GA4 Property

The ECLKC Drupal–GA4 property is managed by the HSICC. To be granted access, National Centers must:

  • Provide the work email addresses of the selected staff members to the Head Start Information and Communications Center (HSICC). HSICC will send a message through Google to acknowledge access.

Sign in to the Google Analytics Account

Once access is granted, simply follow the steps below to visit the GA4 property:

  • Access the ECLKC account in Google Analytics.
  • Follow these instructions to sign in, if prompted:
    • Enter your email and Select Next.
    • Enter your password and select Next.
    • Complete verification, if set up.
    • Once logged in, the Google Analytics homepage will appear, showing the profile you most recently accessed.

Changing Properties

You can switch between different analytics accounts and properties using the drop-down button next to the name of the default profile. Use the navigation menu to access standard reports and other features.Google Analytics 4 Property Selector Screenshot

Viewing Reports

The Reports Snapshot shows activities from the prior 28-day period, which is the default setting. Change the timespan using the drop-down menu at the bottom of the chart. Principals can change the period on any of the standard reports by selecting the drop-down button in the top-right corner of any report.

Google Analytics 4 Viewing Reports Screenshot

Analytics Dimensions and Metrics

National Center staff can measure site traffic in multiple ways based on insights they wish to gain. The descriptions below detail the different dimensions/metrics and what they measure. Google provides a full list of dimensions and metrics.

A dimension is an attribute of your data. It describes the data and is usually text as opposed to numbers. These definitions reflect the common dimensions for analytics captured on the ECLKC:

  • Campaign / Campaign ID: The name and ID of a promotion or marketing campaign
  • Event name: The name of an event
  • Landing page: The page path and query string of the first pageview in a session
  • Medium: The method for bringing users to a page or application
  • Page path and screen class: The page path from a website URL and screen class from a mobile application
  • Page referrer: The referring URL, which is the user's previous URL and can be your website's domain or other domains
  • Page title: The page title that you set on your website
  • Source: A representation of the publisher or inventory source from which traffic originated (e.g., users who return to your website from Google Search show as "google" in the Session source dimension)

A metric is a quantitative measurement, such as an average, ratio, percentage, and so on. It's always a number as opposed to text. These definitions reflect common metrics for analytics captured on the ECLKC:

  • Bounce rate: The percentage of sessions that were not engaged sessions
  • Engaged sessions: The number of sessions that lasted 10 seconds or longer, has a key event, or has at least two or more page or screen views
  • Engagement rate: The percentage of sessions that were engaged sessions
  • Entrances: The number of times that the first event recorded for a session occurred on a page or screen
  • Exits: The number of times that the last event recorded for a session occurred on a page or screen
  • Event count: The number of times users triggered an event
  • Views: The number of mobile app screens or web pages your users saw (counts repeated views of a single screen or page)
  • Sessions: The number of sessions that began on your website or application. Every session is a group of user interactions with your website or app that take place within a given time frame.
  • Users: The number of distinct users who visited your website or application.

ECLKC Event Data Dictionary

This data dictionary defines events for the ECLKC in Google Analytics. Use it to understand tracked user interactions. Each event has a corresponding user action.

EventUser action
accordion_dropdownUtilizes accordions on a page
agency_outbound_clickSelects a non-ECLKC .gov link
aria_search_help_clicksSelects the Help feature on search pages
browse_moreSelects the Browse More feature to explore Videos & Webinars, Upcoming Events, or News & Policy on the homepage
clickSelects a link that leads away from the current domain
contact_usSelects the email address or telephone number on the Contact Us page
covid_banner_click (Archived)Selects the COVID announcement banner below the header
events_interactionInteracts with a scheduled event (e.g., Add to Calendar, Register, View Event) on the Upcoming Events page
events_outbound_clickSelects a nongovernment link
facility_map_filter_usedSearches for centers with filters on the facility locator
facility_map_info_window_clickedSelects info window for a result on the facility locator
facility_map_pin_clickSelects a pinned center result on the facility locator
facility_map_resetSelects the reset button on the facility locator
facility_map_searchSelects the search button on the facility locator
facility_map_search_autocompleteSearches for centers with the autocomplete feature on the facility locator
feedback_flowInteracts with the Give us feedback widget to rate the page
feedback_openInitially expands the Give us feedback widget
feedback_submitSubmits information in the Give us feedback widget
file_downloadClicks a link leading to a file (with a common file extension) of the following types: document, text, executable, presentation, compressed file, video, audio
first_visitVisits a website or launches an Android instant app for the first time with Google Analytics enabled
footer_clickInteracts with links in the bottom bar of the ECLKC, such as Jobs and Careers and Coaching Companion
get_connected_social_clickClicks one of the social media icons in the footer (e.g., Facebook, X, Instagram)
global_form_submissionSubmits a form
global_resource_interactionInteracts with a feature on a topic landing page or the homepage (e.g., 50/50, Banner Announcement, Blue Button, Cards)
header_clickInteracts with Upcoming Events and Contact Us links in the top bar
language_eng_to_espSelects the Español button in the upper right header to navigate to the Spanish version of the page
language_esp_to_engSelects the English button in the upper right header to navigate to the English version of the page
language_link_clickTriggers language_eng_to_esp or language_esp_to_eng (sum of the two events)
logo_clickClicks the Head Start logo in the top left corner of any page
menu_clickInteracts with the top three sections: About, Topics, Policy & Regulations
page_viewLoads page (counts number of visits)
performance_timingLoads page (collects page performance metrics)
Player ProgressProgresses past various percentages (e.g., 10%, 20%, 30%) of video duration
print_intentClicks on print button in the right corner of the main content section
scrollReaches various percentages (e.g., 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) for the first time on a given page
scroll_to_top_clickUses the Scroll To Top button that appears after scrolling down a webpage
session_startEngages the app or website for the first time
skip_link_clickUses Skip to Main Content feature
social_share_clickSelects Share button (right corner of the main content section)
user_engagementIs active on app or webpage for at least one second (learn more)
user_loginLogs into the website
user_logoutLogs out of the website
Video CompleteWatches a video end
Video Display EnlargementEnters full-screen mode
Video Display ShrinkageExits full-screen mode
Video ErrorEncounters an error in a video
Video LoadLoads the video successfully
Video MuteMutes the video
Video PausePauses the video
Video PlayPlays the video for the first time
Video ResumePlays video after pausing it
Video SeekManually changes the video progress
Video UnmuteUnmutes the video
view_search_resultsPerforms a site search (indicated by the presence of a URL query parameter)
view_transcriptUses the transcript drop-down menu on video and podcast pages