Audio and Podcast Specs

Follow the specifications below when submitting audio and podcast assets to HSICC for processing. 

Bit rate24 to 32 bit
Sample Rate44.1 kHz or higher
Loudness Level-16 LUFS
Series and Individual Podcast Featured Images

Image size: 1.95 GB limit

Allowed types: .png, .jpg

Images must be exactly 660 x 308 pixels

Redistributing Podcast Information

For all podcasts hosted through the Drupal site, there is a JSON file that acts as the feed for information.

The JSON feed may be found here:

Using the JSON Feed

To access all ECLKC podcasts, set the Resource Type to "Podcast." 

To access a specific podcast, you must have a Resource Type of "Podcast" and the name of the series set to filter out the other podcasts. Individual podcasts within a series will be delivered as "Podcast: Series Title" (e.g., Podcast: Home Visitor Series).

Each individual podcast will include the following information, available within the JSON file:

  • Language
  • Version
  • Homepage URL
  • Feed URL
  • Favicon image
  • Featured image of the podcast (Series Vocabulary Featured Image)
  • Title of the podcast (Series Vocabulary Term)
  • Description of the podcast (Series Vocabulary Term Description)
  • Items. Each individual item (node) will contain the following information:
    • Featured image of the individual node
    • Unique ID
    • URL
    • Title
    • Date Published
    • Summary
    • Taxonomy
      • Topic
      • Tag
      • Resource Type
      • National Centers
      • Program Type
      • Program Option
      • Age Group
      • Audience
      • Series
    • Attachments (downloadable files)