Page Layouts

The layout of your webpage is a key aspect of the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) site design. It enhances users’ experience and helps ensure consistency across the website. Page layouts are composed of several elements arranged in multiple ways with a certain purpose. Explore this page to select the most appropriate arrangement for your content.

General Page Layouts

Page LayoutPurposeAllowed ElementsSpecifications, Limitations, and Examples
ArticleRegular HTML page, most commonly used to display content on the website
  • Title
  • Summary
  • Content, including inline images, infographics, and block quotes
  • Taxonomy fields
  • Go to link
  • Taxonomy fields
  • Accordions, dropdowns, tabbed content, embedded videos, playlists, or view-only Smartsheets.

Inline images, infographics, and block quotes are limited. They must be accordingly distributed in the text to keep the page responsive.

Accordions, dropdowns, tabbed content, embedded videos, playlists, or view-only Smartsheets might be used sparingly, following elements standards.

Example: Including Grandparents in Home-Based Activities

Full Publication (PDF)Introduces the link to a stand-alone PDF file with 6 pages or fewer, including an HTML copy of the content.
  • Title
  • Summary
  • Content, including introduction, inline images, infographics, and block quotes
  • Go to link
  • Taxonomy fields

Inline images, infographics, and block quotes are limited. They must be accordingly distributed in the text to keep the page responsive.

No hyperlinked text from introduction.


Short Publication (PDF)Introduces a stand-alone PDF document with more than 6 pages, displaying an extended description below the “Download the PDF” button.
  • Title
  • Summary
  • Introduction
  • Download the PDF button
  • Extended description
  • Go to link
  • Taxonomy fields

No more than one image.

No hyperlinked text from introduction.

The extended description is a summary of the content, preferably including the main subjects and SEO keywords in about 2-3 paragraphs.

Example: The Family Partnership Process: Engaging and Goal-Setting with Families

VideoPage displaying the video player. Videos include webinar recordings and video clips.
  • Title
  • Summary
  • Video player, including captions and links to download the video and a PDF transcript.
  • HTML transcript
  • Introduction below video player, including additional resources
  • Video attachments
  • Go to link
  • Taxonomy fields

Video players are displayed in a 640 x 360 proportion only. The introduction should include only one paragraph.

Additional resources should be used sparingly.

Video attachments should be five or less, preferably documents mentioned by presenters if it is a webinar. For videos that introduce a prepackaged course, we recommend using a tabbed content element and packing attachments in a downloadable zip file.


PodcastPage displaying the audio player.
  • Title
  • Summary
  • Audio player, including links to download the audio and a PDF transcript.
  • Introduction below audio player
  • Go to link
  • Taxonomy fields

Podcasts are displayed through a blue player bar, without images; however, the Head Start Talks app requires a feature image.

Feature image: 660 x 308 px

Example: Continuity of Care Podcast

Learning ModuleDisplays an interactive learning module, built in Storyline or other special software application.
  • Title
  • Summary
  • Content (Introduction)
  • Embedded interactive learning module
  • Go to link
  • Taxonomy fields

Learning module max. width: 900 px

Example: Module 1: Overview of Family Homelessness

Video Series PlaylistDisplays videos that are part of a series.
  • Title
  • Summary
  • Content text (Introduction)
  • Playlist element
  • Additional content below the playlist.
  • Go to link
  • Taxonomy fields

The selected video plays on the left, and the column on the right lists the other videos in the playlist. The blurb and additional resources for each video appear below the video when selected. Each individual video page can be accessed by selecting the title on the left.

Videos may be displayed in any specified order or sequence. We recommend limiting the number of videos in a playlist to 10.

Example: Highly Individualized Practices Series

Podcast Series PlaylistDynamic series of podcasts.
  • Title
  • Description (Introduction)
  • Images
  • Dynamic list of items displaying identification fields (i.e., title, summary)
  • Filters

Inline Image: 600x400 px (for the ECLKC).

Feature image: 660 x 308 px (for the Head Start Talks App).

Example: Research on the Go

Resource Items SeriesDisplays resources in a series. Each individual resource is an exclusive part of that series.
  • Title
  • Summary
  • Content text (Introduction)
  • Resource items
  • Additional content below the resource items
  • Go to link
  • Taxonomy fields

The number of resource items is not limited.


Explore Cards SeriesDisplays resources in a series through Explore cards. Each individual resource is an exclusive part of that series.
  • Title
  • Summary
  • Content text
  • Explore cards
  • Additional content below the explore cards
  • Go to link
  • Taxonomy fields

The number of Explore cards is limited to 9.


Resource Items CollectionDisplays resources in a static collection. Each individual resource can be stand-alone or part of another series.
  • Title
  • Summary
  • Content text
  • Resource items
  • Additional content below the resource items
  • Go to link
  • Taxonomy fields

The number of resource items is not limited. Useful for collection of external resources.

Example: Building Foundations for Economic Mobility (BFEM)

Explore Cards CollectionDisplays resources in a static collection through Explore cards. Each individual resource can be stand-alone or part of another series.
  • Title
  • Summary
  • Content text
  • Explore cards
  • Additional content below the Explore cards
  • Go to link
  • Taxonomy fields

The number of Explore cards is limited to 9. Useful for collection of dynamic series or collections, or for external resources.

Example: Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework

Descriptive Dropdown CollectionDisplays resources in a static collection through descriptive dropdowns. Each individual resource can be stand-alone or part of another series. Useful for large collections.
  • Title
  • Summary
  • Content Text
  • Descriptive dropdowns
  • Additional content below the resource items
  • Go to link
  • Taxonomy fields

Descriptive dropdown collections might be introduced by an embedded video or a playlist.

Example: Transition to Kindergarten

Dynamic Series or CollectionDynamic series or collection displaying resources sorted with a specific criterion and based on a determined content type or taxonomy field(s). See Dynamic Collections and Taxonomy Fields.
  • Title
  • Description (Introduction)
  • Image
  • Dynamic list of items displaying identification fields (i.e., title, summary, issuance date)
  • Filters

Recommended use for series or collections of internal resources. Introductory text with a length of 40 to 100 words, describing scope and content.

Feature image: 600 x 400 px minimum.


BookDisplays a series grouped together by an outline. The outline allows the user to quickly scan the content.
  • Hero image
  • Title
  • Summary
  • Outline
  • Cover page
  • All pages included in the outline
  • Topic
  • Tags

Designing the outline is the first step in generating a new book. The cover page is the landing page for the book, but it is not part of the outline. It introduces the book.

The book may contain pages with an article, publication, video, video playlist, and learning module layout, including all the allowed elements. It cannot contain other series or collections.

While any existing individual page can be added to a book, it cannot be part of any other book.

Example: Disability Services Coordinator Orientation Guide

Special OHS Use Layouts

Page LayoutPurposeAllowed ElementsSpecifications, Limitations, and Examples
Topic PageExclusive design for topic landing pages, this layout is not used for other purposes.
  • Hero image
  • Title
  • Summary
  • Content text
  • Fifty-fifties
  • Featured resources
  • Explore resource cards
  • Dynamic view (Full List of Resources)

Introduction: 60 to 100 words (recommended)

Fifty-fifties: 4 maximum

Featured Resources: 5 maximum

Explore Resource Cards: 9 maximum

Example: Children with Disabilities

BlogDisplays a writer’s or group of writers’ observations or opinions. It may include a video recording (video blog).
  • Title
  • Image
  • Summary
  • Content
  • Video
  • Author
  • Author bio

The post may include a list of resources below the blog, but always ends with the short author biographical note in italics.

Feature portrait image: 480 x 640 px

Example: Early Head Start: The First Step Toward School Readiness

EventPromotes registration for a national event, in-person or virtual.
  • Date
  • Time
  • Host
  • Location
  • Text
  • Website and registration link
  • Image

An event will appear in the Upcoming Events river page and in search results.

Event feature image: 290 x 180 px

Job PostingProvides a list of jobs related to education anywhere in the U.S. The Job Center is a voluntary service and does not list every available Head Start or early care and education job.
  • Posting date
  • Closing date
  • Job title
  • Job position
  • Organization
  • Email address
  • Website
  • City/Area
  • State
  • Zip code
  • Duties
  • Qualifications
  • Instructions to apply
The Job Center section is used by grantees and agencies interested in recruiting staff.
StoryShares a Head Start program story, involving a participant, who can be a member of the staff, the community, or a family.
  • Title
  • Participant first/last name
  • Relationship to Head Start
  • Program name
  • Feature quote
  • Date of submission
  • City
  • State
  • Content (text for story)
  • Image

Participant contact information is required, but not shared on the page.

Image feature image: 540 x 540 px


WebformAllows OHS and Centers to collect information from users. 

Webforms are used for specific sections of the website.

Example: Contact Us

River PageCustomized dynamic series or collection displaying resources sorted with a specific criterion and based on a determined content type or taxonomy field(s). See Dynamic Collections and Taxonomy Fields.
  • Title
  • Description (Introduction)
  • Feature image
  • Dynamic list of items displaying identification fields (i.e., title, summary, issuance date)
  • Filters

Introductory text with a length of 40 to 100 words, describing scope and content.

Feature image min. width: 600 x 400 px
