
E-blasts are submitted to the Head Start Information and Communications Center (HSICC) through the Submission Form. They undergo several rounds of editing and review on their way through testing, approval, and distribution. The time requirements for processing different types of e-blasts are outlined below. Any e-blast that does not follow the allotted timeframe may be cancelled or rescheduled at the discretion of the Office of Head Start (OHS). The National Center federal project officer (FPO) should consult with HSICC’s FPO and get approval for processing a late e-blast before it is submitted via Smartsheet.

Follow the E-blast Writing Guide and Templates and ensure the e-blast copy has been reviewed by the National Center FPO prior to submission. To further expedite the process, it's important to avoid making edits once in the testing phase.

Online Event Registration E-blasts

Registration e-blast copy due to HSICC45 days prior to event
Registration e-blast disseminatedNot later than two weeks prior to event (can be earlier upon request)

In-Person Event and Conference Registration E-blasts

ActionDissemination Timeline (Submission must be 30 days earlier)
"Save-the-Date" e-blast disseminatedFour to six months prior to event
Registration e-blast disseminatedTwo to three months prior to event
Reminder e-blast disseminatedTwo weeks prior to event

Resource E-blasts

E-blast copy due to HSICC30 days prior to intended release

Newsletter E-blasts

New template requests15 days prior to submission of copy to HSICC
E-blast copy due to HSICC30 days prior to intended release