E-blast Dissemination Lists

The Office of Head Start (OHS) and the Office of Child Care (OCC) disseminate e-blasts to multiple lists, as requested by the National Centers and other early childhood partners. List requests are made when the e-blast draft is submitted to the Head Start Information and Communications Center (HSICC). E-blast lists must be pre-approved by the OHS, OCC, or National Center's federal project officer (FPO).

The personal information of individual participants is highly confidential, but the names of the distribution lists are outlined below. Choose the lists that best fit your content topic and meet the needs of your audience.

OHS Lists

OHS subscription lists are available for use with all e-blasts disseminated through the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC).

Subscriptions Email Lists

  • Head Start Policy and News
  • Child Care Policy and News
  • Federal Register Alerts in ECE
  • Grant Notices and Funding Opportunities Across ECE
  • Development, Teaching, and Learning
  • Early Childhood Health and Wellness
  • Oral Health
  • Mental Health
  • Parent, Family, and Community Engagement
  • Program Management and Fiscal Operations
  • Transportation
  • Disabilities Services
  • Partnerships Between Early Childhood Programs
  • ECE Systems Development

Spanish Subscription Email Lists

  • Políticas y noticias en español [Policy and News in Spanish]
  • Recursos en español [Resources in Spanish]

OHS Use: Add-on Lists

  • All Directors
  • State Collaboration
  • TA Network
  • National Center Leads
  • OHS Staff
  • Monitoring Network
  • Grantees Only
  • Key Staff
  • EHS Directors
  • AIAN Director
  • Migrant & Seasonal Directors
  • State Advisory

OCC Lists

If you'd like OCC to share your e-blast with their audience, please fill out the Request to Send OCC Announcements form and include it with your submission. Save the file using the following naming convention:

  • center-date-occ-announcements-form
    • Example: ohs-103018-occ-announcements-form

Explore the available lists below.

  • Adult and higher education entity personnel
  • Advocacy and foundation staff person
  • Coach, trainer, and TA specialist (Providers of early childhood professional services)
  • Federal government staff person
  • Local government staff person
  • Parent or family member
  • Professional membership organization staff person
  • Provider, teacher, and home visitor (Child-serving professionals)
  • State and local support entity personnel (Family, child, and/or provider supports)
  • State or territory government staff person
  • Tribal leader
  • Other
  • Afterschool and summer enrichment
  • Development, teaching, and learning
  • Early Childhood Development Office news
  • Early childhood health and wellness
  • Early childhood homelessness
  • Early childhood quality assurance (Including licensing, monitoring, and quality improvement)
  • Early childhood research
  • Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships
  • Early care and education systems development or capacity-building
  • Family child care
  • Federal Register alerts in early care and education
  • Infant and toddler care
  • Office of Child Care news
  • Parent, family, and community engagement (Including consumer education)
  • Subsidy administration and policy
  • Tribal early childhood information
  • ECTTAS (Includes PDs and staff)
    • ECTTAS PDs only
  • HS Collaboration Directors
  • All OCC (Includes RO and CO Staff)
    • CO Staff only
    • RO Staff only
    • Managers only
  • State or Territory CCDF Administrator
  • Tribal CCDF Admin