Virtual Events

The planning, promotion, and scheduling of virtual events should follow the standards described in this section. If the broadcast is being conducted by the Head Start Information and Communications Center (HSICC), please use the resources provided.

Planning a Virtual Event

Before the Event

  • Identify presenters and designate at least two production assistants to serve as event co-hosts.
  • Draft the slides and include the main points, graphics, and images. Avoid using small font sizes and distracting backgrounds.
  • Create or collect handouts to distribute during the presentation to reinforce or extend content.
  • Gather statistical information about the audience through registration questions.
  • Design polls to keep participants engaged during the presentation.
  • Plan a follow-up survey to receive feedback.

Scheduling and Promotion

  • Establish a date and time to hold the event.
    • Design a detailed pacing agenda to ensure the best use of the scheduled time.
    • For maximum participation, offer virtual events Tuesdays–Thursdays.
    • Avoid scheduling during a week that includes other important virtual events, and definitely not at the same time as other events reaching the same audience. Review events already scheduled in Smartsheet or on the ECLKC Upcoming Events calendar.
    • Virtual events must be scheduled no less than six weeks in advance.
  • Draft and obtain approval for an registration announcement e-blast to be sent two weeks before the event.
  • Schedule a technical rehearsal and practice sessions with your team, as needed, to learn the interface and rehearse content delivery.

Presenting a Virtual Event

Before the Presentation

  • Presenters and assistants should log in at least 30 minutes early for the event, and must log in at least 15 minutes prior to the beginning of an event to discuss last-minute items, review the importance of muting (and the need to unmute before speaking), and test computer and sound systems.
  • Presenters should close any unnecessary apps and programs running on their computer, particularly any that may send notifications and alerts during the presentation, and mute any phones in the room.

During the Presentation

  • Communicate a welcome message through the system audio or chat pane to alert your audience that the event will begin shortly.
  • The facilitator should start by announcing the title of the event and making speaker introductions to let people know they are in the right place.
  • Inform the audience that they have all joined the event in "listen-only" mode, which means they are muted.
  • If you will receive questions from the audience, tell participants how to submit them.
  • Announce whether Certificates of Participation are being granted.
  • Before closing the event, thank the audience and remind participants to complete the follow-up feedback survey, if applicable.
  • Presenters should have a back-up plan for another presenter to fill in for them should they lose connectivity to the event.
  • Cohosts and other designated technical staff should be prepared to facilitate the technical aspects of each event, including log-in assistance, responses to technical FAQs, and assisting or directing participants to important information regarding connectivity.

Publishing the Recording on the ECLKC

If the recording of a virtual event is published to the ECLKC, it will be processed under the product ID corresponding to the Events/Registration E-blast. After the recording goes through post-production and transcription, the following items must be added to Box and Smartsheet:

  • Video recording (MP4) and transcript uploaded to the corresponding product Video Box folder. For more information, see Video Specs.
  • Summary, introductory text, and feature location added to the corresponding fields at Smartsheet. For more information, see Page Layouts.
  • Change Product Type to Video and update Submission Date.

Requesting HSICC Assistance and Resources for Virtual Events

Forecast the event through the Forecast and Submission Form and select "Yes" when asked about requesting assistance. You will be contacted for scheduling the event and rehearsals. Use the following resources to plan and present a great event when using the Zoom HSICC platform.
