Mobile Applications (Apps)

Use the guidelines below when planning and developing an app for the Office of Head Start (OHS). Explore submission, user experience, and build requirements.

OHS Standards

  • Apps are consistent with all OHS requirements and standards, including:
  • Apps comply with operating system versions that reach 90% of the ECLKC user base. This includes building all apps for use on tablets, as well as smartphones.
  • Native code is used wherever possible.
  • URL links used by the app in the back end should be:
    • Dynamically managed wherever possible using a Drupal module. For example:
      • The app has a search feature. The URL used in the back end to retrieve search results is “”. 
      • The app has a feedback form for user feedback. The URL used to submit feedback is “”. 
    • Dynamically provided to the app using a Drupal module installed on the ECLKC. If any URLs used by the app change, they can be managed using the Drupal module rather than having to release an updated version of the app.

User Experience

  • Look at the primary problem your app is solving or gap it is filling.
  • Prioritize content based on what is most important to the target audience.
  • Focus your app content logically and address user needs as efficiently as possible.
  • Run beta testing and gather feedback before releasing your app. Survey users once your app is released to ensure it is meeting their needs and determine priorities for future updates.
  • Design for simplicity and usability by considering all of the devices for which the app needs to render.
  • Avoid cluttering the space with too much content.

Submission Process

Prior to developing code and building the app, National Centers must submit all app content, including menu and proposed navigation text, in a Word document to the Head Start Information and Communications Center (HSICC) for a comprehensive review. Use the standard Forecast & Submission form.

  • When submitting content to HSICC for editorial review, source files must be included. A source file is a clean Word document free of any extraneous formatting and style. Do not export or copy and paste from other files or programs.
  • Video and PDF files require additional testing for 508 compliance and must be added to the app submission.

Basic Development Cycle for Application Developers

  • Build the app, incorporating all feedback received from HSICC.
  • Ensure the app:
    • Complies with all ECLKC Web and Communication Standards
    • Meets Apple Store and Google Play publication requirements (e.g., SDK-allowed versions, Swift versions, etc.)
    • Meets security and privacy guidelines to protect user data and government systems
  • Test the app at multiple points and ensure it is error-free during design/development process.
  • Incorporate Analytics Tracking for Webpages and Apps requirements.
    • Install Firebase SDK to use the latest generation of app reporting in Google Analytics.
    • Contact HSICC for the sign-in credentials to access the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) Firebase account.
    • Make a co-owner of the Firebase project so HSICC can inventory and manage all app projects.
    • Notify HSICC once you have completed the Firebase SDK setup.
    • HSICC will add the app to the ECLKC Google Analytics account and assign permissions upon notification that the app is ready for live testing or implementation.
      • Programmers should insert the Google Analytics tracking code during development so it will begin to track traffic once the app goes live.
  • Notify the HSICC production and content leads once the app is ready for testing and review.
    • Provide documentation about the build process, device compatibility, software versions used, and environment depending settings, if applicable.
    • If it’s the first release of the app, provide an architecture diagram with all the integrations points and a basic description of how it works.

Note: Google has a length restriction of 30 seconds to two minutes for videos. They will not accept a video that refers to the App Store.