
All terms are defined as they relate to website design, standards, and usability on the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC).

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


above the fold

What is visible on screen before the user needs to scroll down. See fold and below the fold.


The practice of making web content easily accessible to all users, particularly those with disabilities. Not to be confused with usability.


A vertically stacked list of items. Each item can be expanded, or "stretched," to reveal associated content. One item is opened at a time; opening a new item automatically closes the previous item. Accordions save vertical space, leaving more room above the fold and allowing users to see only the information they want. This can help with large amounts of information that can otherwise be overwhelming but is not a best practice for search engine optimization. It should be used only when it is necessary to hide content. See page layouts.  Below is an example of an accordion on the ECLKC:

Screenshot of example taken from the live website

address bar

The white bar at the top of the browser window. This is where you type in the URL address of a website you want to visit (usually starts with https://).

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX)

Script to enhance interactivity on webpages.



HTML markup, code, files, and server processes that make the website work. The back-end is what the web developer builds; the front-end is what the user sees.


Relates to how much a resource is used. When a website gets many visitors, it uses more bandwidth. When a page has large amounts of content, such as videos and images, more bandwidth is required to display it.

below the fold

Content that viewers need to scroll down to see. See fold and above the fold.


A term used for software in a "live" testing (prerelease) phase. Users may experience hiccups, such as software bugs.

Bitmap (BMP)

A commonly used raster graphic format for saving image files. The BMP format stores color data for each pixel in the image without any compression. This typically creates larger file sizes than other formats.


Short for web log; a regularly updated webpage, written by experts, with news and analysis about new programs or other topics.


A simple, catch-all term for small amounts of text that are complete in themselves. Examples are introductions, descriptions of an available resource, and teasers for a blog entry. Below is a sample list of resources. Each has a title and a short, descriptive blurb:

Screenshot of example taken from the live website

A list of pages tied together by an outline, often with chapters, sections, or subsections

A navigational element near the top of a page showing the path from the homepage to the current page. Each of the breadcrumb elements is linked to a corresponding page, giving the user a shortcut to navigate along the path.

Here is an example of breadcrumbs from a page on ECLKC:

Screenshot of example taken from the live website

A link that points to a page or resource that does not exist.


Software used to access webpages. Not all browsers display webpages in the same way, so web developers routinely test their work in various browsers before delivering to the client. Examples include Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Safari.

browser window

The screen in which the browser software displays.


An error or a problem that causes a website to not behave properly. 



The place where information (data) from a website is stored in a user's computer memory; allows a task to be completed more quickly the next time it happens.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

Style sheet language that determines the look of elements on a webpage. See also style sheet.


A small box that, when selected by the user, shows a mark indicating a particular feature has been enabled or a particular option chosen. Used when more than one option may be chosen at a time. See radio button.


Operations performed by the client in a client-server relationship. A client is a computer application, such as a web browser, that runs on a user's local computer and connects to a server as necessary. Contrast with server-side.


Design elements (e.g., navigation, images, text, etc.) on a page that are bunched together so tightly that the user has trouble understanding the content.


Describes in detail the exact look, layout, and function of everything seen on the web. There are different types of code and coding languages used to develop websites and other types of software.


A set of resources with a common topic or set of tags.  Each individual resource can be stand-alone, part of a series, or linked from other collections. Collections can be static or dynamic.

content management system (CMS)

A back-end tool for managing a site's content that separates the content from the design and functionality of the website. The ECLKC website uses the Drupal CMS.

content type

A combination and arrangement of related fields. Each content type has a title field and several other fields. The type of fields included give the content type its unique character. For example, a Basic page has a title and a body field. A News page has a title and body, date, and URL fields.

A small piece of information a website can store on a user's computer. 



A collection of data organized into tables and records. In web design, a page that writes to a database and/or displays information from a database is called a dynamic page. Databases are typically used to store information like user account information and product information.

domain name

A name by which a website or web server is identified. See also IP address.

domain name extension

The notation at the end of a web address that specifies an internet category or a country code. Examples include .com, .ua, .gov, and .edu. Also referred to as top-level domains (TLDs).


To transfer information from a website or server to one's own computer. The bigger the download, the greater the bandwidth used. See also upload.

An item or list of items that show or hide related content when selected. More than one dropdown may be open at once, in contrast with accordion lists. Dropdowns save vertical space, leaving more room above the fold, and allow users to see only the information they want. This can help with large amounts of information that can otherwise be overwhelming.

Below is an example of a drop-down list:

Screenshot of example taken from the live website

dynamic webpage

A page on which content changes based on user input. Contrast with static webpage



Internet equivalent to post and mail. Encoded message that is sent instantly to someone else's computer. See also e-blast.


An email sent to a list of subscribers to promote or inform. E-blasts differ from other types of mass mailings because users opt in to receive them. Contrast with spam.

email client

A program used to send and receive email from a device such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Outlook and Google Mail are two examples.

A link that opens the user's default email client to send an email to the address in the link.

end users

The people for whom the website is built. End users are the target audience for the website.



Customizable icons displayed in the web address bar (in most browsers) next to the URL.


Spaces to promote new and relevant resources. They may be updated as new resources become available and rotated every month or two. They can also promote items relevant to significant events or campaigns.

file transfer protocol (FTP)

A way of transferring files across the Internet. FTP is often used in web development as a fast and easy way to upload many files to a web server.

fixed-width layout

A layout with a set width (generally defined in pixels). The width stays the same regardless of screen resolution, monitor size, or browser window size.


An Adobe multimedia program and plugin used for animation. Formerly Macromedia Flash. It is no longer supported in mainstream browsers and not accepted on the ECLKC.


The point on the webpage that rests at the bottom of the browser window. The term is carried over from newspaper design and pagination where it referred to the physical fold in the paper. See above the fold and below the fold.

font family

A group designation for defining the typefaces used in CSS documents. The font family tag generally lists multiple fonts, beginning with the most preferred font, followed by back-up fonts if the preferred fonts are unavailable on the user's computer. Usually ends with a generic font category as a fail-safe. For example, the font-family of most headlines on the ECLKC is Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, and serif.


A function of HTML where the user enters data into fields and usually sends the form data using a "Submit" or "Send" button.

form validation

Forces a user to fill out all fields marked as required in a web form. Also called form field validation.


A feature of HTML where the designer can subdivide the page into separate windows. Frames can improve navigation in certain instances, but the drawbacks are significant and numerous. Most notably, framed pages cannot be bookmarked, some browsers cannot display frames at all, and search engines might have a hard time indexing framed content.

frequently asked questions (FAQs)

A list of questions visitors ask most often. The question is followed by either the answer or a link to the answer.


The part of the website the end user sees. See also GUI.

full list of resources

A dynamic list that displays all resources that are tagged with a particular topic.



A collective name for all images associated with a website. See also GIFJPG, and PNG.


A type of graphic file used for images, especially animated graphics and line-drawn images (as opposed to photographs). A GIF image can be saved with a transparent background, making it ideal for graphic overlays. GIFs are limited to 256 colors, which make them suitable for simple graphics such as logos or buttons, but not for complex graphics such as photos.

graphical user interface (GUI)

The part of an application or website intended for the user. Also called the "front-end." Related: back-end



A base-16 numbering system used to define colors online. Also referred to as "hex." Colors are written in three sets of hex pairs. Because screen colors are red, green, and blue (RGB), the first pair defines the red hue, the second pair defines the green hue, and the third pair defines the blue hue. A hex color number looks like this: #5AC6D3.

home / homepage

The first page that loads on a website when only the domain is entered. For example, the ECLKC homepage is

host / hosting

The company that provides an IP (domain) address, physical space to store information (the website), and the bandwidth to accommodate the flow.

HyperText Markup Language (HTML)

The language used to construct webpages. HTML is often used in conjunction with languages that allow the web developer to add functionality, such as PHPCSS, and JavaScript.


HyperText Transfer Protocol. Used to transfer information on the internet; normally precedes the "description" of the actual resource being accessed and transferred.


Stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer (SSL), or HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure. A set of rules for transferring hypertext requests between browsers and servers over a secure, encrypted connection.

link from one webpage to another, either on the same site or another one. Generally, these are text or images and are highlighted in some way; text is often underlined or put in a different color or font weight. The inclusion of hyperlinks are the "hyper" part of hypertext.


Any computer-based text that includes links



Short for inline frame. An iframe is used to display one or more webpages within another normal webpage. See also frames.

image map

An image in which areas of the image have been turned into different selectable links, as opposed to an image where the entire image has one single link.


A decentralized, worldwide network of computers and other devices that can communicate with each other.


A private network inside a company or organization that uses the same kinds of software as the public internet but is only for internal use.

IP or IP address

Internet Protocol. The actual number a web address name translates to. For example: See also domain. The IP number is the real address, the domain name is the more user-friendly translation.


jaggies / jagged edges

A nickname given to images that have jagged or pixelated edges where they should be smooth.


A general purpose, high-level, object-oriented, cross-platform programming language.


Coding (or scripts) embedded into a webpage that automatically activates as soon as someone arrives on the page. Actions can be performed on the page without reloading the page.


A type of graphic file best for images that use gradients or contain a large number of colors, such as photos.

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a standard, text-based format for representing structured data based on JavaScript object syntax. It is commonly used for transmitting data in web applications (e.g., sending some data from the server to the client, so it can be displayed on a webpage, or vice versa).

link to another section on the same page.


landing page

The page where a user enters a website or main subsection of the website. Any page on a website is a potential landing page. A user can follow a link from another site or from a search engine directly to any page on the site. The landing page is designed as the intended entry point.


The way different elements of the webpage are arranged. The position of the logo, navigation bar, page text, etc., are all part of the layout. Layout design also includes artistic presentation, like the colors used in the design.

learning module

An organized collection of content that integrates related content and activities, providing a rich, interactive learning experience. A learning module can support a course goal, course objective, subject, concept, or theme. Instructors can set a structured path through the content items using a storyboard or a set of dependencies.

A small snippet of code that creates an area on a webpage that can be "followed" or "selected." Once selected, the user is taken to the resource listed in the code. This allows users to move from one webpage or website to another and download documents, programs, and files. A link can be from one website to another (external link) or from one location to another within the same website (internal link). See also URL.

lorem ipsum

Placeholder text. The text usually starts with the words "lorem ipsum" and consists of scrambled Latin words from a text written by the Roman philosopher Cicero. It is used to mimic body text in a layout design, which helps the viewer visualize the final product. Also called dummy text, Latin text, and Greeking.



Refers to HTML or XML code use to create the structure of a page.


Defines a standard for storing, compressing, and transmitting sound files.


Digital multimedia format most commonly used to store video and audio.


Presentation that includes more than one media type, for example, text with images and video.


System that allows visitors to move around a website. Navigation is most often thought of in terms of menus, but it also includes links within pages, breadcrumbs, related links, and pagination.

The area of the site that contains the site menu. Consists of links to the most important pages and sections of the site.


Content stored in a Drupal site is stored in a node. It's an identifiable piece of content that can be collected to be displayed anywhere on the site. For example, a blog entry or an article are both nodes.

Not Found

A 404 error that means the page specified in the URL does not exist. This is the standard server response when a user requests a page that was moved, deleted, or never existed. On the ECLKC, most 404 errors cause a redirect to another page.


operating system (OS)

The type of software used to run a computer. Common mobile operating systems include Android and iOS, while desktop computers run Windows, Macintosh OS, or Linux.


The action or process of improving a webpage, such as its download speed. It also relates to how the page is structured (both code and content) to work with search engines.


page elements

Building blocks of site pages and page templates. Combined, they provide the page's structure and content. Some elements can have more than one purpose, depending on how they are displayed in a page layout.


The hierarchical order in which to find a file or webpage. For example, the path to go to a page in the Mental Health topic for "Biting: A Fact Sheet for Families" would be Mental Health > Biting: Fact Sheet for Families.


Abbreviation for Portable Document Format, a file format developed by Adobe Systems used to capture almost any kind of document with the same formatting as in the original.


Programming language used for increased functionality on a website or to work with a database. It works in conjunction with HTML variants and allows for functions to be run from the server rather than the visitor's browser.


Individual dots of light that make up an image on the computer monitor. Monitor resolution is measured in dots per inch (dpi).


List of videos or podcasts that are part of a series.


An application built into or added to a browser to enable it to interact with a special file type, such as a movie, sound file, Word document, etc


An image format suitable for use on the web. It supports transparency and compression.


A set of closely related content kept in one section. Portals have a landing page that is intended to be an entry point to help visitors find content within the section.

privacy policy

A statement regarding the use of visitor information. It discloses what information about users is collected on the site and how the organization will use that information.

public domain

A piece of content in the public domain when no copyright exists on the material. All OHS and ECLKC web content is in the public domain.


radio button

A selection element, usually a small circle the user can choose. Radio buttons are commonly used where there is an either/or choice. When multiple options can be selected, checkboxes are more commonly used.

raster graphics

An image made up of pixels arranged in a grid. Resolution dependent, the more pixels there are in the grid, the higher the resolution and image quality will be. Examples of popular raster image formats include JPGBMPGIF, and PNG. Contrast with vector graphics.


A redirect occurs when a webpage URL address automatically sends users to a different address.


The number of dots or pixels displayed per inch (dpi or ppi) in a graphic or on a display screen.

responsive design

An approach to web design aimed at providing an optimal viewing and interaction experience to all users, regardless of the device used.

RSS / really simple syndication

A standardized XML format that allows content to be syndicated from one site to another. RSS also allows visitors to subscribe to content and receive updates via a feed reader.


The main folder where all the other folders and sub-folders of the website are kept.



A piece of code that creates or enables a specific function on a website.

search engine optimization (SEO)

The practice of maximizing organic traffic to a website by implementing effective content strategies. Good SEO focuses on elements such as using relevant search keywords, responding to user intent, optimizing content for mobile devices, and receiving backlinks from strong webpages with authority on the subject matter. Technical aspects of a page are also important for SEO, including the improvement of page load time, broken links and 404 errors, and poor site architecture.

SEO keywords

Words or phrases that users enter into search engines to find content.  When content creators use these words and phrases effectively, it boosts traffic from search engines. 


A set of related resources. Each individual resource is an exclusive part of a series. The individual resources or the series can be linked from multiple collections.


A computer used to house websites and provide a physical storage area for webpages and emails. Hosting companies keep the servers in special premises, under strict conditions, and with permanent connections to the internet.


Refers to scripts run on a web server, as opposed to in a user's browser. Server-side scripts often take a bit longer to run than client-side scripts, as each page must reload when an action is taken. See client-side.


An index to all content on a website. It is normally accessible from at least the front page of the site and is used to help people find what they are looking for and to help search engines find links.

source code

The HTMLPHPCSS, and JavaScript codes that make the site work. It also can include external files used in the site, such as images, Flash animations, and more.

static webpage

Page that displays information that does not change based on user input. Contrast with dynamic webpage.

style sheet

Document that describes how a webpage should be displayed in terms of style elements such as fonts, colors, and spacing.


A domain located under another domain as a totally separate entity. In the ECLKC address,, the eclkc is a sub-domain of the Office of Head Start (ohs), which itself is a sub-domain of the Administration for Children and Families (acf), which is under the parent organization, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (hhs).


tabbed content

Arrangement of tabs used to organize multiple attachments or handouts, including slides and PDF files.


A label or tag assigned to a node or content type. A taxonomy is a way to group similar types of information and is used to organize the content of a site.


Design applied to many pages to ensure a consistent look across a website.


Small version of a larger image, usually linked to the larger image or some other type of related content. Thumbnails allow the users to browse quickly through a collection.


When an attempt to perform an action on the internet takes too long, the process automatically interrupts and labels the problem a "timeout."

topic page

The landing pages for the topics under which the ECLKC site content is subdivided. Examples include Mental Health, Curriculum, and Family Engagement.


All the people and computers using a particular route or resource at a given time.

trojan horse

A type of virus (malicious code) that arrives posing as something harmless or even desirable. It infects a computer by getting the user to activate it.


uniform resource locator (URL)

A format used to specify addresses on the World Wide Web. URLs have the following format: protocol://domain_name/other_information.

ProtocolDomain namePath or directory on the serverName of file


Loading information such as pages, images, etc., onto a hosting server. See download.


Refers to how easily website visitors can find what they are looking for or accomplish a task.



A status that indicates that the code used on a webpage conforms to specifications. This can be checked through various validation services, most commonly the one from W3C.

vector graphics

Images that rely on computer algorithms to define paths and shapes and are fully scalable. See raster graphics.

video splash screen

A still image that appears in the video box on page load before the video plays.

Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML)

Standard file format for representing three-dimensional (3D) interactive vector graphics, designed particularly with the World Wide Web in mind.


Computer program that reproduces itself and is frequently malicious.


web application

Program designed for use in a web browser, as opposed to a stand-alone program like Microsoft Word.


Email you can check from any computer in the world using software on a server. Yahoo Mail and Outlook WebApp are examples.

webpage / page

One page of a website, a single entity. The length of a page is not limited by fixed height and width but by user-friendliness, good practice, and practicality.


Collection of webpages that forms the website, a single entity.

website address

The location of a website. The website address of the ECLKC is

web standards

Specifications recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for standardizing website design. Their main purpose is to make it easier for both designers and those who create web browsers to make sites that will appear consistent across platforms.


A type of virus (malicious code) that looks for security loopholes in a system and uses that to replicate itself. It then scans the internet for other computers that have the same flaw and spreads to them, often creating a new identity for itself in the process so that it evolves. Whereas a virus uses a host file to spread, a worm is embedded in an actual document, like a Word or Excel document.



Markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human- and machine-readable. XML stands for Extensible Markup Language.




A Windows-based compression format, handy for grouping and compressing a collection of files. ZIP files can be uploaded to a website and offered as a download.