Submission Form

National Centers and others who produce content for the Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) and the Office of Head Start (OHS) are required to complete a Submission Form. The submission fields ensure that all pertinent information is included with each piece of content sent to the Head Start Information and Communications Center (HSICC) for processing.

If the submission is simultaneous to the the product forecast, or if the product type does not require previous forecast, the Forecast/Submission of Products Form can be used. 

Otherwise, the National Center can use the corresponding Smartsheet report to add the submission to the forecasted information. 

Forecast and Submission Form Instructions

Each field of the Forecast/Submission of Products Form includes brief instructions. Here are more detailed directions on how to complete the form. 

This form displays certain fields based on your selection of Product Type and other key fields.

A - Complex Submissions

Apps: Use this product type to submit a new mobile application, in any language. This submission will include the creation of a page displaying the app information. If it is an update to an existing mobile application, select Apps Update. 

Book Creation: Use this product type to submit any new book, including all pages, videos, and PDF files included for the book. If it is a new page to be added to an existing book, select Page Creation and indicate the position in the book in Featured Location Description.

Learning Module: Use this product type to submit any new learning module or series of learning modules. For updates to existing learning modules, select Minor Update.

Major Update: Use this product type to submit any update to a page or set of pages that involves the creation of new pages. For updates to existing pages that do not require new pages, use Minor Update. New pages include publications (PDF nodes).

Page Creation: Use this product type to submit any new page or set of pages that are not part of another type of complex submission. New pages include publications (PDF nodes).

Podcast: Use this product type to submit any new podcast or series of podcasts. Only .wav files are accepted as podcasts.

Video: Use this product type to submit any new video, playlist, or series of videos. Only .mp4 files are accepted as videos. Do not use it for video recordings of events submitted previously as events. 

B - Events

Event/Registration E-blast: Use this product type to forecast an event and submit the registration e-blast. If the recording will be posted on the ECLKC, this submission will serve for processing it later, when captions have been created and any other files are made compliant.

C - General Promotion

Newsletter: Use this product type to submit any newsletter.

Promotional E-blast: Use this product type to submit an e-blast promoting a resource, a group of resources, or a group of events. Do not use it for individual events, which must be submitted as Events/Registration E-blast.

Social Media: Use this product type to submit social media.

The submission fields can be completed simultaneously with the forecast for A, B, and C, selecting today's date as the expected submission date.

D - Others

In addition, this form allows you to submit the following items without a previous forecast:

Analytics Request: Use this product type to submit a request for analytics.

Apps Update: Use this product type to submit an update or deletion of a mobile application.

Archive/Delete: Use this product type to submit a request to archive or delete pages or files from the ECLKC, if it is not related to a submission replacing any of those pages or files. If it is a replacement, please note the request on the submission for page creation or update.

Curriculum Consumer: Use this option to submit anything related to this tool.

Minor Update: Use this product type to submit information pertaining to corrections to be made on the ECLKC or to request modifications for an existing page or set of pages if it doesn’t involve creation of new pages.

PDF Files: Use this product type to submit the addition or replacement of PDF files on the ECLKC or certificate links. If the PDF file added is stand-alone and requires a new node (publication), please select Page Creation or Major Update.

Policy Content: For OHS use only.

Report Request: For OHS use only.

QA Review Only: Use this product type to submit content to be reviewed by QA, only if it is not going to be used in an app, learning module, page, or file creation later.

Taxonomy: Use this product type to submit the creation, merge, update, or deletion of taxonomy terms, including topics, tags, age group, audience, program option, program type, resource type, or series.

Translation Only: Use this product type to submit content to be translated by HSICC, only if it is not going to be used in an app, learning module, page, or file creation later.